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Leader of a 4 man team over 3 weeks, game based on binding of isaac.

Locked features randomly generated room where the player has an option to enters a seed number to generate the structure of the level. The player is tasked to find the end boss and kill it. As the level progresses, the player will acquire new abilities and encounter new enemies of various behaviors and interactive environmental objects.

I I've contributed to the team as a leader by creating the framework for the team to use, implementing the algorithm to generate rooms randomly according to a seed number , implemented the minimap feature within the game and lastly the sound engine for the game audio.


The algorithm was implemented as follows, the function takes in an integer and randomize the value, according to the outcome, it generates a node tree which each contain a direction and links up all the nodes to form the map structure of that playthrough. This creates a unique experience every time due to the ever changing map.


The minimap is implemented by getting the map data and displaying current information the player is at, it reads a list of unique rooms and determines which room the player is at and displays the relevant information to the player.

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