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Fly in space, go mining for different rocks and defeat enemies!

This is my studio project 2 consisting of 4 people working on it for a span of 3 weeks.

In this game there is 2 big areas for the player to explore, first is within the docking station and outer space. The game features a 360 degrees camera giving you the outer space simulation with cool looking User interface and Mining!

In this project I've contributed to the accurate sphere sphere collisions for bullets,rocks, players and beam by using ray-casting. I've also done the user interface which consist of 3D moving images on a 2D layout to give detailed description to the players.

Ray-casting functions as follows, I've created a line the player/enemies had fired in that direction for the bullet and using that line to check whether or not anything is going to get hit,if yes i will check in how many frames will it get hit and only those that will get hit within the current frame will have effect on the gameplay. This is very accurate as it checks for collision every frame for line sphere collision. Sphere Sphere - Object to Object collision is done using relative direction check first and then followed by distance check, and calculate the time to hit the object to determine whether or not there is collision on the current frame.

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