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Phantom Drive : Secret of the Sacred Arts

Game Designer, UI and User Experience Programmer focusing on layout and design to bring the best fighting game experience with a unique twist.

This game was a 2-man team project that lasted 17 weeks long. It is a 2D fighting game made on unity 5.3.4f.


I've designed the various scenes of the game, the design of the unique gameplay and many and the overall battle system. This game was done based on a lot of research and testing, refining and tuning our game idea through many iterations of failure to achieve the best result. The game had paid attention to small details such as having a strong emphasis on user feedback, upon pressing buttons there would be sound played, when in battle many of this plays a heavy part in aiding the player decisions, from texture color changes to scrolling game background.


This was an experimental project with lots of cool and unique ideas and we had to work in a very short time frame, due to having no fighting game knowledge or background, many of the design aspects and choices were heavily researched from various sources and read up many articles to make the decisions.


The game had a database as well to be able to expand its data and in the future able to get more characters easily and everything can be created systematically  and is future-proof. I am very proud of the product and will be working to enhance it in the near future.

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